Monday, July 22, 2013


First thing, Blogger isn't posting my comments or replies to comments. They've just disappeared into the ether. Hopefully they show up at some point or I'll try again later and hope things are more cooperative - but I have read and appreciate all of your comments! :)

Since the first, and only, thing I saw on the news this morning is the fact that the royal baby will be arriving shortly I've had birthing on my mind. Especially since I heard that Kate is planning a natural child birth and will be using the hypnobirthing technique. Good for her, I truly hope she succeeds and good heavens I would hate to have my labor and delivery dissected after the fact. You do what you need to to get through and get the baby out safely. I hope the media doesn't Monday morning quarterback it too much, they will I'm sure but I hope to be wrong.

Anyhow, I used hynobirthing with both of my deliveries.  And it was good, mostly - there were still moments where I was feeling like it was never going to happen and I was done, but both babies managed to be born naturally.  My experience with the Peanut is so fuzzy from lack of sleep (he arrived in the late morning after I had been up since 6 am the previous day) that it seems like everything was super lovely and Peanut arrived safe and healthy although the cord was wrapped around his neck twice. The Hubs says no, there was some cursing and I was quite touchy and the cord thing had the L&D nurse concerned - I guess I'll take his word, he is probably more reliable than I in this case. The Squirrel's birth seemed much more difficult to me but it is also much more recent (5 months isn't so long) and much less sleep deprived. I let them break my water to ensure that I would not be laboring through the night again; it worked but made labor intense. The Hubs says I was far more relaxed through this one but I don't know, I know I kept telling my OB that I wanted the baby out and that I couldn't do it. I am a total cliche but I did it and the Squirrel arrived healthy.

But really, the point is this - it is good to plan and prepare for labor but it will be its own thing every time.  Do not berate yourself if it doesn't go according to plan or you don't react to it the way you wanted or planned to. I did not plan on cursing or even talking to the anesthesiologist during labor but I did both and it was ok. I was upset with myself for doing both of these things afterwards but I shouldn't have been - getting through labor is work, it is doable naturally but it is like nothing else. You can do it, hypnobirthing is a tool, but if you get the baby here you've done your job. Epidurals are ok, C-sections are ok, natural birth is ok. Congratulate yourself on your adorable baby and let go of any regrets - the baby is here!!!


  1. I was kind of curious being I was late to the party why there weren't any responses back to comments :-) Sometimes Blogger is a pain, but not sure what would cause it. Hopefully you don't have to talk to their support department. That would be a huge hassle.

    Sooooooo this topic is way out of my realm lol but I am in agreement to plan as best you can, and if it doesn't go exactly so: That's okay. Focus on the fact that you are giving birth to a mini you and stop worrying about the other stuff.

    Though, I don't see why the bloody hell you would try to restrict yourself from swearing!

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

  2. Yeah, the swearing is really a non-issue but the hormones made it seem like a big deal at the time. I think the comment thing is an issue with security settings on the laptop.
