Monday, July 8, 2013

Formula Time

On Saturday we/I bit the bullet and switched the Squirrel to formula. It was such a sad day for me, I want so much to nurse her until she is at least 12 months. However, that does not seem like it was meant to be. She has had issues with food sensitivities and reflux since she was 2 weeks old and my dietary changes weren't enough somehow. Poor Squirrel would be hungry and trying to nurse and pull away and get back on and pull off, etc. She was starting to seem very hungry often but couldn't/wouldn't stay on to nurse long enough to be content and my supply dropped sharply with all of this. As sad as I am to end the breastfeeding, Squirrel is doing amazingly well on formula! She has sucked down every drop from the first bottle on and is having less reflux and normal bowel movements. It is amazing and I am so glad that formula is agreeing with her sensitive little insides.

That was the big excitement of the weekend. It rained more and was disgustingly humid out when the rain stopped so it was a mostly inside weekend. The trip to Target for more bottles was our big outing and even that was quick because it looked like a big storm was rolling in. At some point we will have a totally sunny day again, right???

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