Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rain, rain go away

Trapped inside with a toddler for multiple rainy days in a row is so not good. The Peanut really needs to get outside to run off some energy and it has just not been possible the past couple of days, nor does today look good for outside time. I'm running out of distractions in the house! We've made a fort, painted, played in soapy water, read bunches, did puzzles, played with play-dough, etc, etc, etc. I'm trying to come up with something brilliant for today but I'm drawing a blank. There's always the library but with an infant going out in a downpour is challenging and the library isn't so enjoyable when you're wet. On the plus side the garden is looking awesome; can't wait for some delicious tomatoes! Guess I'll just have to hope Pinterest can help me!

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